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July 19, 2011

Live life to its Fullness

Live life to its Fullness

Life is a gift to begin life on earth. Life and death are closely associated with one another. Mitch Albom in the book ‘Last Lecture with Morrie writes, “When we know how to die we know how to life”. Life is a mystery. No scientist or genius person and there will never be person who can prove the mystery of life and death. We are part of the mystery that is why it is not possible to prove it. How can a single sperm when combine with an egg of a woman produce a human being? How a dried seed can produces a plant? How can an egg produce birds and reptiles? People might be able to explain the process and causes but can never explain that how life actually begins. There is a force or power behind life and as a Christian I believe that this force is God. God is ultimately the cause of life on this universe. Life of human beings, animals, insects and plants are a precious gift from God but for time being I will dwell on the precious gift of human life. Life is a precious gift from God that no material wealth can ever buy. Once life is given by God, our journey begins. Life embodied itself in our body so there will be hurdles that will come our way. Life is not always a bed of roses but also there are thorns that will remind us that we need to be awake and aware in whatever we do. In order to live life to its fullness we need to walk through difficulties in life. Like Jesus we have to walk through birth, suffering, and death and experience the joy of resurrection. Below I have discussed about ‘How to live life to its fullness’ by using LIBERTY Method (taking the first letter of the main points) method to make it easy to remember.

How to live life happily? How to die happily? How to live life after dying?

1. Live life as it comes

a. Live as if today is the first day, the best day and the last day in life

b. Live life to its fullness.

2. Improve your knowledge

a. Education

b. Yoga Meditation

c. Soft skills

3. Build Relationship

a. Win all hearts with a smile

b. Give sufficient love to family members

c. Build relationship with God and Nature.

4. Earn Sufficient capital

a. Have sufficient money for the well being of wife, children, and family members and to help your friends. Money for School, Hospital, unforeseen and day to day expenses.

b. Have necessary assets, gadgets, furniture, house for your well being

5. Rise Up for the Second Innings

a. Work to keep living by creating memories

b. Give services to people like construction of houses for poor people

c. Expose your skills like composing music, writing books, giving lectures and painting

d. Donate money, land, clothes or anything for charity.

e. Start project work like orphanage, schools, hospitals etc.

6. Thankful hearts

a. God helps us to be other centeredness and to appreciate others

b. Nature; air, water, fire, birds, animals, fishes and the plants.

c. Human being; oneself, parents, family members, friends, teachers and others.

7. Yearn to ‘Befriend with life and death’

a. Accept life; remove guilt feelings, Life is a gift to begin life on earth

b. Accept death; life comes from God and has to go back to God. Death is a gift to begin life in heaven. Death is not the end but the beginning of a new life.

For detail explanation on the whole topic contacts the person who posted in the blog by a comment in it.

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