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July 03, 2014

Analysing ‘Shattered Glass’ from ethical perspective

Shattered Glass, written and directed by Billy Ray speaks volume about ethical norms that journalist need to keep in mind while reporting or when writing a story. This 2003 American drama film tells the real-life story of Stephen Glass, a budding reporter for The New Republic whose career was ruined because his stories were based on fiction and fabrication and do not have the news values.
Immanuel Kant’s Deontologism suggests that the position of rightness or wrongness of an act in some way is characterized by universality or that it conforms to moral law. The act of Stephen Glass in creating fake and fabricated news is against the moral norm. Stephen Glass was deceiving his colleagues, he faked every report of evidence or the facts in his computer hacker story, and ‘He lied to his editor.’ Therefore, according to Kantian perspective what Stephen Glass did was wrong.

Shattered Glass raises questions about the ethical issues in modern journalism especially with the coming of the new media.  It is a cautionary tale to people that fraud or fabricated reporting is not acceptable. Fabricated news might entertain the people, my win name, fame and honour but ultimately there will be a downfall of shame and confusion.

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