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1. Do you want to enjoy and relax yourselves then WELCOME to this blog....
2. Do you want to know about Khasi Tribe (Maram) of Meghalaya, about Matrilineal system....
3. Do you want to know about Bhagavad Gita and Bible...

August 22, 2007


· Culture: Religion is the cream of culture. Religion is a belief to supernatural natural values.
· Tradition is a pattern of behaviors.
· Religious is an expression of culture Transcendential Religion =Christian, Buddhism
· Symbol contains a deep meaning, which differ according to culture.
· Religion is the deepest element of Culture.
· Culture also has to purify according to the time.
· We have to look, religion and culture side by side.
· We can give life through blood; we can take life through blood.
· Folk Culture: It is pertaining to small (culture) group, a Localize culture.
a) Religion is deepest element of culture.
b) It is and oral tradition “through stories”
c) It is express through art, song, dances, and literature.
d) They propagate the folk culture.
Healing the culture: In the culture there is an element of superstitions and theses block the people to grow (persevere) they go to for medicine instead they go to the temple. A genuine faith is to be given. The most important thing to heal the culture is education, medical science, psychology; culture does not prevail to grow in different things only thing is we need to know the root level (day-to-day living of the people. To know the culture we need to enter into it.
If we don’t heal the culture there are lots of enmity, rebellion, and extremist.
Reservation comes from the constitution. It presupposes because all are not equal because of caste, culture, and economy, the rich suppresses the poor. Dalits=16%, Tribal 9%, Sudras 52%, Muslim 15%, Christian 2.5%, Buddhist 1%.
With ness: living the word of God among the people.
Indian Ethos: secularism, equality of all religion, cultures.
Folk Music: music by and of the common people.
Holistic aspects: looking from all aspects of life.
Once we lose our culture and identity we will be easily abstract by other people.
Without fasting there is feasting. Four weeks of advent represent 4000 years of promising
Human beings are the crown of all creatures (a) rebellion, repentance, expectation, and happiness.
We don’t need many rituals and customs but we need devotion.
· Centrality of Christianity is Christ. Christ transience culture.
Christian communion comes from passion and love.
Kingdom of God: The human values the value of love compassion, equality, fraternity, and faith.
Absolutization: We have to adapt our own culture.
Nobody is degrading because of caste or tribe or place. Be rooted and grow wider above your own culture.
Christ Jesus: Refuge of poor, friends of the sinners, comforter of the sick. He is the priest, prophets and king of human relationship how because he goes to the house of the Pharisees and the poor for feast. Because he is at ease with everybody. He went to the prostitute Mary Magdalene and she wiped his legs with her hairs. He has no problem with any Jews, Muslim.
Most of the festival started from agrarian economy. Sowing the seed by emptying himself. Blood was sown in Easter and harvesting festival is Pentecost gift of love, peace, hope, and joy.
A Christian heals the culture through the Good news. Release from the clubs, (Christian) goes to the hospital for medicine.
Human values are Christian values. Monoculture is over each one is contributing to each other.
· The Christian goes according to the Bible.
B) We have to live with them learn their culture, behavior, feelings.
C) Take the faith, conviction, and theology to them. Experience of the living resurrected Christ.
· Enculturation: getting inside the culture and reform the good news. Inculturation comes from realization.
· The problem why there is no inculturation before is because we have thinking that culture and religion are one and the same. Everything is western.
Faith has to be inculturated is to give identity (Tribal, Indian Catholic) Except the creed we can have our own freedom.
Statue is from roman religion. During the 5reigh of Constantine the Roman religion disappeared. For Romans they have many gods.

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